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Vote Wyborny

When you ask yourself the question, what do you want from your PCO?

Here is what you get when you Vote Wyborny. 

  • 17 Years Experience in the KCGOP

  • Former District Chair of the 37th District

  • Former Platform Lead from 5th District

  • Area Chair - Fairwood - 11th District

  • King County Platform Committee 6 years

  • Washington State Platform Committee 4 years


Jeff "Jurassic Park"

Elect PCO for 


I have a passion for local politics. I set out to change things I can change. I am nobody's staunch supporter. I don't blindly follow a leader or ideology other than Conservatism. 

As a local activist I am here to make changes to the things that effect my family and my neighbors. I work for things like homeless spending reform, freedom for families to decide what is taught to their children, reasonable taxation that is accountable, free and fair elections by Americans and for Americans of every variety we have.


If you support my opponent because of their stand on Federal Issues and World Politics and the "Personality" they follow, then you are supporting someone who will do nothing to advance local conservative values. 

They don't show up for meetings, they don't volunteer for local conservative candidates, they don't volunteer to help the King County Republican Party.

They watch TV and every 4 years or so, they magically appear at meetings with only one purpose, to push their leader to the State Convention. Meanwhile your property tax doubled and the "D" King County Commissioner Chair put an asphalt plant in your back yard because the asphalt corporation paid for his campaign.


I am a community builder in my community and also in the GOP. I have been Elected to Every State Convention as a Delegate Since 2010. I have been a delegate for John McCain, Mitt Romney, Ted Cruz, Uncommitted (covid), Nikki Haley.


In the community at large, I am a Leader in the Boy Scouts of America and the proud father of an Eagle Scout. I serve on the board of the Evergreen City Ballet. I coached baseball and served on the Board of the Cascade Vista Athletic Club, I coached basketball for Renton Parks and I coached Soccer for Kent Parks. I have been an active PTA member including serving as a PTA Auditor where in one case I found the PTA an additional $ 25,000 in a bank account they has lost track of.



I filed for Fire Commissioner in 2023.

The prior commissioner who I was lead to believe was not going to run again, filed after me.

I withdrew from the campaign, but appeared on the ballot anyway. I felt there was zero reason to run when the community had an effective and experienced leader in place,

Night Fire.png

Do You Know Me?

You Might

I bet you have seen my Jurassic Park Truck Driving: Safeway, Fairwood, Ridgewood, KentRidge, Northwood? I don't call myself a community organizer but here is a list of the ways I have served my community for the last 13 years in Fairwood.


  • Kent Parks Soccer Coach

  • Renton Parks Basketball Coach

  • CVAC Baseball Coach

  • CVAC Commissioner and Board Member

  • Ridgewood PTA 

  • PTA Volunteer Auditor

  • Member Fairwood G&CC

  • Treasurer BSA Pack 449

  • Assistant Scoutmaster BSA Troop 449

  • High Adventure BSA Advisor (3 years)

  • Board Member Evergreen City Ballet


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