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Impress new clients with onboarding mastery while saving money and time so your team can focus on crafting winning results with expert messaging.


Agency FastStart is only available through PARTNER AGENCIES. KeyHolder Media FastStart Service becomes part of Your Digital Marketing Agency's Native On-Boarding Process.


If you are a qualified digital agency interested in becoming a KeyHolder Media Agency Partner, please reach out.

What is Agency FastStart?

Get Everything your agency team needs to launch a winning campaign in record time from the experts in messaging. Your clients new campaign will be up faster and you will save thousands in team dollars by just getting to work and letting us handle the breakdown and onboarding.


We are experts in messaging. We dive into the business and figure out the Big Promise (Value Proposition), We figure out the buyer avatar. We figure out at what level of buyer awareness is the most profitable or strategic for targeting your media. Then we start working to pull out key elements of the building blocks that will be the meat campaign. Then we provide a few sample strategies the agency and business to explore. And finally, we work out lists of Hooks, Headlines and Slogans and organize them into Cold, Warm and Retargeting Audiences.


Doesn't Every Agency Do This?

Bad Agencies don't. They stick business' into a "Winning Template" and work hard to get some early conversions. Early success gets them a longer leash. Then they let it just run till you fire them and hire a new agency. Meanwhile their Sales Team is full force replacing you with the next sucker.


Shouldn't My Agency Be Doing This?

Yes, many great agencies, including ones that now use KeyHolder Media do (or did) have an onboarding process.  New Clients expect On-Boarding Meetings with multiple people and having to repeat concepts over and over.  A Good Agency will drop 20 hours on getting the team prepped and ready to understand you and construct your campaign. Because this is our main function, we can provide consistent results, with consistent reports and consistent timeframes so Agencies can Plan and Execute for the client. We are better, faster and cheaper than taking team members off-line for onboarding.


Why Would My Agency Hire YOU, When They Already Do All Of These Tasks?  (The client asks)

Simply Stated: We are better and more efficient. This is what we do best and this is what we love to do. We will spend 4-6 hours with the client and another 10-12 hours of research and creative processes to give your agency a FAST START in getting you up and profitable. The Agency will benefit by quickly getting the client up and running with Great Hooks and Headlines. The Agency won't have to research or know what your full product and offer options are. In short, an agency owner pays us less than they would have paid their team and gets profitable faster because the campaign starts earlier.

PLUS the Business Owner gets a super nifty Executive Summary that will inform decision making for the next decade. 


What do you get? 

  • An Executive Summary that will WOW your clients and they will use for a decade of marketing strategy

  • Buyer Persona Inventory and Messaging Strategy on Persona

  • Awareness Inventory and Strategies for Cold, Warm and Retargeted Traffic

  • Catalog of Pains, Problems and Frustrations of Avatar

  • Your front end offers ready and specific (Mid-Ticket Offers if applicable)

  • Your Ultimate "Hero Product" Offer

  • Catalog of Tangible Desires of Avatar

  • Catalog of Intangible Desires of Avatar

  • Inventory of Common Ground between Avatar and Brand

  • General Avatar and Audience Characteristics

  • The Unique Mechanism (of your ultimate offer)

  • Analysis and Recommendation of Ad Genres with your Offer

  • Analysis of our 15 Ad Blocks and viability with your product

  • Detailed Messaging Notes for Key Ad Blocks (to construct the ad)

  • Detailed HOOKS for Top Ad Blocks (for use by copywriter)

  • Ads outlined in blocks with recommendations on order for copywriter

  • Master Hooks

  • Master Headlines

  • Master Below Creative Headlines

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